Tuesday, 14 August 2012

An honourable mention: Michael K. Rose

SpecFicPick is a speculative fiction webzine hosted by Michael K. Rose which recently ran an interview with me and a feature on 'Threshold Shift'.

I had been e-mailing book bloggers ever since I released 'Threshold Shift' and 'Five Byte Stories' into the real world in an attempt to drum up some interest and sales. I wasn't having any success until Michael sat up and listened. Since the release of those two items on his site I have actually enjoyed sales in the United States to people I definitely didn't already know. A sign that Michael's publicity machine does work. He has also very kindly given me a lot of sound advice regarding the use of facebook and twitter as a means for further publicity and introduced me to an Indie Author's network I never knew existed.

As far as I can see Michael gains nothing from this himself and has helped me purely because he wants to. A successful Indie Author in his own right, he doesn't need to offer a helping hand to beginners like myself but does it anyway

A little bit of publicity for Michael in return:

His Amazon.com page and Amazon.uk page

I've read his short story collection, and stories like 'Sleep' and 'Main & Church' really stand out as examples of a writer with ability, confidence and range.

Check out his personal blog

Thanks Michael.

Meanwhile for me, it's back to the keyboard for some fiction writing...


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