Names notwithstanding, once a character has a name, what do
you do with them? Well in any story you have a protagonist, a character whose
experiences the story is built around. Sometimes but not all the time you have
an antagonist in direct opposition to the protagonist. Their conflict creates
the story. Actually it’s not quite that simple, but that is a starting point.
In my novels I tend to have more than one protagonist, allowing multiple points
of view and multiple antagonists as well. It mixes things up more, and
sometimes a protagonist can change roles and so can the antagonist. Their roles
are not set, but are dictated by how each character progresses in the story.
It’s never as cut and dried as good versus evil. Good people
sometimes do bad things and bad people do good things. Characters are not
consistent, and may make a good decision one day and a bad the next, even when
confronted with the same circumstances. Why? Is this bad writing? No, in real
life people are equally inconsistent, I’m inconsistent. We live, we change, we
make mistakes and sometimes we don’t. Characters follow suit.

So we have names, conflict, descriptions. Someone is tall,
someone is fat, someone is a man, someone is a woman. Gender stereotypes: the
man should be strong, the woman should be weak. That is rubbish, a woman can be
stronger than a man, both physically and mentally. A woman shows more emotion
than a man? Maybe in feature films, but in a story we are interested in the
inner voice. A man and woman can be equally afraid, equally grief-stricken,
equally brave, and equally hysterical. Characters react and feel, man or woman,
it shouldn’t matter. I’m not saying they should be written the same, but a
writer should avoid being influenced by preconceptions about gender as much as
possible. Why, as much as possible? Because we are all influenced by our
upbringing, and every independent thought is tinged by that. I have no doubt
that some stereotypes creep into my writing, but the trick is to avoid those
stereotypes as much as you possibly can.
Finally it’s all about the layers; layers of behaviour,
layers of reaction, layers of internal and external argument, layers of action.
After injecting a character with enough layers, plot no longer dictates their
actions, rather their actions dictate the plot. Keith isn’t going to say to Kristof,
let’s blow up this place and go home. It’s not in his character. So plot hinges
on how a character would act, and you can’t just throw in plot twists which
don’t fit with a character’s actions. You have to write the character’s actions
based on their developed traits and let the story play out as honestly as
possible. That’s when it gets interesting for a writer, really interesting,
because as you’re writing you don’t know exactly what is going to happen next.